若願意在成大附設醫院進行PCR檢測者,請依照上述網站指示,挑選您可以的日期及時段,每受檢日期及時段皆有名額限制,請盡早登錄,遇額滿時段則請登錄其他場次(請務必遵守您所選的時段報到,以疏散人流),並同時請您查核相關基本資料是否需更動(若您選擇於8/25至8/27進行PCR檢測,請務必於8/18 17:00前上網完成;若您選擇於9/1至9/3進行PCR檢測,請務必於8/25 17:00前上網完成)。並請於受檢前一日至成大醫院官網(就醫指南/掛號服務/網路掛號/預約掛號查詢)查詢看診號次及建議報到時間,查詢您的受檢日期與時段,及列印並填妥自費同意書(成大醫院)。
- 受檢當日請持看診號次、填畢之同意書、身分證、健保卡及PCR檢測費用500元,至成大醫院門診大樓一樓星巴克(勝利路2號門)旁之防疫診療區辦理報到。
- 在指定日期與時段接受成大醫院PCR檢查者,優惠特價500元,若未在指定時段前往受檢,恕無法提供優惠價格。
- 有關上網回答您在成大醫院進行PCR檢測的意願及個人基本資料確認如需更改,請於8/18下午 17:00前 (若您選擇於8/25至8/27進行PCR檢測)或8/25 17:00前(若您選擇於9/1至9/3進行PCR檢測)上網(網址https://app.pers.ncku.edu.tw/phycheck/)完成修改,否則將視同您放棄於成大附設醫院進行新生體檢之優惠資格,故請務必慎選您的意願。
- 其他新生體檢項目及進行方式將於開學後公告於本校衛生保健組新生體檢專區,如有疑問請電洽06-2757575-50430或來信em50430@email.ncku.edu.tw詢問,謝謝。
國立成功大學防疫小組 關心您
Dear new students,
Due to the ongoing worldwide pandemic, new NCKU students must present a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test report (both nasopharyngeal swab and Saliva test are acceptable) prior to school enrollment.
If you are currently in Taiwan, you will be scheduled to receive a PCR test at NCKU Hospital during Aug. 25 to Aug. 27, at 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM. Once you received this notice, please login https://app.pers.ncku.edu.tw/phycheck/ and REPLY the date and time you are available for the PCR test appointment. This appointment will be invalid if you do not reply before Aug. 18, 17:00 PM.
If you would like to do the PCR test at other hospital, please visit NCKU Health Center website for further information and regulations. (https://health-epsh.ncku.edu.tw/p/404-1097-181254.php?Lang=zh-tw)
Any inquires of NCKU New Students Physical Examination, please feel free to contact the Health Center 06-2757575#50430 or email to em50430@email.ncku.edu.tw.
Thank you.
Instructions of PCR test at NCKU Hospital:
- Please visit NCKU Hospital website (Pre-Registration/Internet Pre-Registration System/Check Existing Appointment) to check your appointment number and the recommended check-in time.
- Please present your appointed number, Consent Form for Data Collection ARC/Passport, NHI card and PCR test fee NTD$500 to epidemic prevention diagnosis and treatment area(防疫診療區) which is on the first floor of the outpatient building of NCKU Hospital (next to Starbucks, close to Sheng-li Road). For those who undergo PCR test not at the designated date and time will not be offered the discount price NTD$500.
Best Regards,
NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus
For those who want to undergo the 2021 new students physical examination (including PCR test) at other hospitals, please download the “New Students Physical Examination Form” (
https://health-epsh.ncku.edu.tw/var/file/97/1097/img/437/834466382.pdf) , print it out and present to the hospital accredited by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Labor for examination. (Query URL :
Please confirm with doctor that all the Physical Examination items are complete. If any of the items are missing or not checked, they are considered invalid and must be rechecked as soon as possible.
※Below are the required documents have to submitted to Health Center.
- New Students Physical Examination Form (Photocopy) – Please have the physician to fill in and stamp or transcribe the examination value of all items by yourself.
- Consent Form for Data Collection – Please sign; For those students who under 18 years old, please sign by the legal representative. (https://health-epsh.ncku.edu.tw/var/file/97/1097/img/437/235496294.pdf)
- New Students Physical Examination Report issued by other hospitals (Photocopy)
- Send the report to the Health Center by REGISTERED mail (Online submission method has not opened yet)